• Address Via Achille Grandi 37/39 RIMINI
  • Email info@alfredocoli.com
  • Phone +39 0541 751534

About us

Alfredo Coli: The Solution For Awning Processing

The Italian company Alfredo Coli, leader since 1988 in the design, construction and production of machines for the processing of sun awnings, is now on the market with a new line of products. A wide range of machines for cutting, sewing, handling and storage of various acrylic and plastic fabrics.
Alfredo Coli is a brand that for over 30 years has guaranteed its customers all over the world seriousness and professionalism. It has always been engaged in the research and development of new technologies, in order to satisfy every request coming from the increasingly difficult world of awnings.
The experience accumulated over many years of activity makes Alfredo Coli the ideal partner for the solution of your problems and for the creation of your projects and ideas.

Contact us +39 0541 751534

Why chose us

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Strategy & Analysis 88%
Eeconomic growth 95%
Achieves goals 70%

I Nostri Partners

Questi sono solo alcuni dei nostri partner che ci hanno scelto e che da anni usano le nostre macchine per il taglio, l'incollaggio e la lavorazione delle tende da sole.